Interface IMoiraeConfig<TCache, TStore, TCommand, TEvent, TQuery>

Type Parameters


  • Pick<ModuleMetadata, "imports">
    • IMoiraeConfig


cache?: TCache

Cache provides a storage mechanism internal to Moirae for rapid processing. Inherently transient.

externalTypes?: ClassConstructor<unknown>[]

Register external types to the system to assist with serialization

imports?: (Type<any> | DynamicModule | Promise<DynamicModule> | ForwardReference<any>)[]

Optional list of imported modules that export the providers which are required in this module.

publisher?: IPublisherMeta & {
    command: TCommand;
    event: TEvent;
    query: TQuery;

Publisher provides messaging and communication for Commands, Events, and Queries. This can be specialized for each distribution type, having a different publisher configuration for each of Commands, Events, and Queries.

sagas?: Provider<any>[]
store?: TStore

Store provides an event store to persist all events processed in the system.

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