Interface IRollbackCommand

For each aggregate, a rollback command should be defined. This allows this saga manager to rollback aggregates by streamId and correlationId and in doing so, undo a transaction that failed elsewhere in the system.

It is required to pass the streamId and correlationId as the only parameters in the class constructor.



$correlationId?: string

UUID related to a single "transaction" within the system, passed from commands to events to commands etc...

$data: {
    correlationId: string;
    streamId: string;

Type declaration

  • correlationId: string

    Transaction to rollback

  • streamId: string

    Stream to rollback

$executionDomain: string
$metadata?: IRequestMetadata

Object containing metadata about the initiating request

$name: string

Event name. Defaults to the name of the constructor

$type: EventType

Differentiating between Commands, Events, and Queries

$uuid: string

UUID to individually identify an event

$version: number

Event revision version

STREAM_ID: string

Getter for streamId if it exits in the command

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